Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PSAT Wednesday

Wednesday 10/14/09, Lehman High School administered the PSAT to freshman, sophomore, and junior students. While I have heard some good and bad things about the days activities, the day went decidedly well all things considered. What improvements could be made on the administration of these exams from your perspective, we at 19stepsahead would like to know?

Secondly I have heard rumblings that the long sought Skedula software program is back in at least limited use for us at Lehman High School. For those of you who don't know, Skedula is a highly functional program mask which communicates with system wide software like HSST, and ATS so that we don't have to. How do we feel about this?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!

For months conversation about Lehman High School, the new direction of the administration, and its development into SLC's has been dominated by what it would appear are a minority of loud complaining people... with lots of time on their hands to write "creative" stories, but with little real steps being offered to make effective change. We the 19stepsahead team would like to usher in a new day, moving forward.

Everything is not right at Lehman, but on this site we would like you to point out what may be going wrong, and give some well thought out suggestions you have for them. Its easy to vent your problems and offer little else. It's easy to complain, but difficult to problem solve. And giving the same old, non-productive, haughty solutions helps no one. So lets be productive!

What we would also like to see here are reports of things that are going well at Lehman, that we might be able to reproduce these successes.